Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Working hard...

Well, I'm half way through my memoir rewrite. Yes, I'm working hard on my book and finally making progress, thanks to the author Susan Richards and my BWG friends. Susan gave the writing workshop I attended last summer and has been invaluable to me, both as a mentor for my writing and as a friend.

One discouraging morning a few months ago I asked Susan if I should keep working on this project. Her answer.... "If this memoir is important to you, go forward with COMMITMENT. And I mean, COMMITMENT." That's all I needed to hear. Writing this book is what makes me get up in the morning! I feel its need to go forward.

I love what I'm doing, and this cute cabin that I write in helps me out. For Christmas this year, one of my gifts was given by a friend who also loves my cabin and believes in me. She gave me the gift of wood to finish the inside walls. Rough cut cedar is what I chose. Come spring, that will happen.

So, to all my writing friends I say attend a writing workshop. Also, join a writing group. I belong to the Bethlehem Writer's Group. My friends there have helped me enormously. Our facilitator is dedicated to each of us as writers, making sure our work is shared and critiqued.

Most of all...KEEP WRITING. Just do it! As the commercials say. Find a way to dedicate part of your day to passion. If that passion is writing, keep it up. Work hard at it.

In the end your heart will be satisfied.

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