Thursday, September 3, 2015


It has been way too long since I've posted a new blog. In fact, it was a spring post. Lordy!

The summer got away from me and I've been doing battle with my cancer and the chemo side-effects. It is a challenge, but I can handle it with meditation and time spent alone.

With that said, this is my time of year to rejuvenate. In order to refill all the parts inside me that need work, I head to Maine. It is the one place that this New England girl loves. When I take time away from my normal life, I want to go where I can walk, hike, and breathe in fresh pine-filled, and ocean-filled air. It is clean and helps me spend time within.

For my needs cleanliness is very important. If the areas that surround me are unkempt, then so are my thoughts. My emotional body needs to be free of "stuff". I suggest this for anyone who wants to improve their quality of meditation or their solitude. At least it works for me.

Maine gives me all of that and more. The sound of the waves hitting rock, the crunch of pine needles under my feet as I hike, and the feeling of salt on my skin. Ahhhhhhh, such a gift. I'm headed to Maine later this month and my heart and mind are already there.

We all need time alone. I hope life gives us this opportunity, but if it doesn't, find a way to make it happen. I make it a priority every year and it isn't easy to do that. But if I really want to walk my talk, I find that way. I hope you might do this as well.

Happy late summer to everyone. :)

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