Friday, January 13, 2012

Early January...

The holidays are over and Mother Nature seems to understand as she presents us with expected ice-encrusted winds. Savoring every delicious moment of the snow flying sideways by my cabin windows, I'm unable to describe a single worthy phrase of my exhilaration. This brittle nip of winter wind wakes the drowsing child within and brings me joy.

Blustery weather comes in with a vengeance and sends me scurrying to find warmth. A reminder that each day is blissfully unlike the next, holding its secrets tight.

Stealing a quiet moment, I throw out seed and a crust of stale bread to the birds who bring such beauty on a gray January day. And before tucking in at night, I spend a second or two under my skylight. The stillness, the stars above and the promise of another unpredictable day to come.

I am grateful for all of this.


  1. What a beautiful word picture, Sal. It takes some of the sting out of cold weather.

  2. It will keep me warm in the spring when I split the pile and then stack it. Guessing at least three cord sitting there, perhaps more.
